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Watchman Nee and Witness both were born in China and bacame Christians when they were teen age. They were used by God in the northern and southern cities for the rasing up His testimony in China. Witness Nee knew Watchman Nee through his published news letter for some years and was very much helped by his ministry. One day, Witness Lee read Nee’s news letter about the unique one stream flowing through the human history revealed  in the the beginning  to the end of Bible. Witness then decided to give  up his successful ministry in the north and move to Shanghai . He joined to  the unique minstry with the Watchman Nee until he passed away in California of United States. These two persons in one minitry has brought many seekers in the whole world to see and join this unique living stream for the carring out God’s eternal purpose. 

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I enjoy the reading of publication from Living Stream Ministry every day. It change my life in many aspects. It is a blessing that God is still speaking today to His lovers through this ministry for the preparation of His Bride.
Mila Kunit

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